

🆚 Comparison: Monkey Patching vs Alternatives

When it comes to modifying or extending code, monkey patching is just one of many options. Here’s a detailed comparison to help you choose the best approach for your use case.

FeatureMonkey PatchingWrappersInheritancePull Requests
Ease of Use⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
(Quick and easy)
(Requires extra boilerplate)
(Limited to class-based systems)
(Requires upstream approval)
(Risk of side effects)
(Isolated changes)
(Controlled changes)
(Official fixes)
(Hard to track and debug)
(Easier to manage)
(Clear hierarchy)
(Part of official codebase)
(Depends on implementation)
(Minimal overhead)
(Minimal overhead)
(Minimal overhead)
Global Impact⭐⭐
(Affects entire runtime)
(Localized to wrapper)
(Localized to subclass)
(Global but official)
Best ForQuick fixes, experiments, customizationIsolated changes, utility functionsClass-based systems, OOP patternsLong-term fixes, contributing to OSS

🧠 Pro Tip ╺╸ Compare monkey patching with alternatives like wrappers or inheritance to choose the best approach for your use case!